When we smile, our whole face is animated. Lots of muscles participate in this facial expression including circular muscles around the eyes – orbicularis oculi. Orbicularis oculi lie around the eye and are responsible for the formation of small wrinkles around the eyes – crow’s feet. With age skin loses its elasticity and collagen, skin becomes thin and damaged from the negative influence of the environment and photodamage.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Formation of Crow’s Feet Around the Eyes.
It is very important to stay hydrated and to protect your skin from the sun. Wear a hat, avoid unnecessary sun exposure. Use proper skincare products: Vitamin C and E are great ingredients that protect skin from sun damage and boost collagen production, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid ensure skin stays hydrated and preserves its plumpness.
Retinol or neuropeptides (a good alternative for people who are not able to tolerate retinol) increase collagen and elastin production as well and are great anti-aging ingredients Wearing sunscreen at all times all year round is a great measure to protect your skin and help preserve its elasticity, and proper density. To prevent the formation of crow’s feet even further injections of botulinum toxin can be used to relax muscles around the eyes – orbicularis oculi. Partial targeted relaxation of muscles around the eyes leads to a significant reduction of formation of crow’s feet wrinkles.
A well-rounded complex approach to treating crow’s feet ensures great results over time.